Other 3rd party integrations
UXCam offers seamless integrations with products you already use by tagging UXCam’s session and user’s URL, extending UXCam capabilities and enhancing your current workflow. Follow along for things to consider when integrating UXCam with 3rd party services. Furthermore, use this guide to integrate UXCam with any other 3rd party service.
Start UXCam with verification callback/listener
UXCam needs to be verified successfully to get user and session URLs. It is recommended to start UXCam along with a completion handler, callback or verification listener to ensure that session was started.
This is an optional step. You can conditionally attach UXCam URL later. For instance, you may only want to attach URLs for users that purchased your product or performed specific action.
UXCam.start(with: config) {(status) in
if (status) {
//Get user or session URL
//Add user or session URL to your other services
UXCam.addVerificationListener(new OnVerificationListener() {
public void onVerificationSuccess() {
//Get user or session URL
//Add user or session URL to your other services
public void onVerificationFailed(String s) { }
UXCam.StartWithKey("your app key", null, (status)=>
if (status){
//Get user or session URL
//Add user or session URL to your other services
UXCam.AddVerificationListener(new IOnVerificationListener());
//Add this within your class or namespace
class IOnVerificationListener : Java.Lang.Object, Com.UXCam.IOnVerificationListener
public void OnVerificationFailed(string p0)
public void OnVerificationSuccess()
//Get user or session URL
//Add user or session URL to your other services
import { NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter } from 'react-native';
//Setup listener
const emitter = new NativeEventEmitter(NativeModules.RNUxcam);
//Use this.uxcamEvent.remove() to remove listener
this.uxcamEvent = emitter.addListener('UXCam_Verification_Event', async () => {
//Get user or session URL
//Add user or session URL to your other services
UXCam.startWithKey("your app key", success, failure);
UXCam.startWithKey("your app key", ()=>{
//Get user or session URL
//Add user or session URL to your other services
//Supported version - 1.2.1 or higher
FlutterUxcam.startWithConfiguration(config);.then((value) async {
if (value == true) {
//Get user or session URL
//Add user or session URL to your other services
For conditionally adding UXCam.
if (itemPurchased){
//log UXCam URL to other analytics tools
UXCam User URLs
This returns a URL path for showing all the current users sessions. This can be used for tying in the current user with other analytics systems.
urlForCurrentUser() -> String
String urlForCurrentUser();
string UXCam.UrlForCurrentUser;
Promise RNUxcam.urlForCurrentUser();
const userURL = await RNUxcam.urlForCurrentUser();
UXCam.urlForCurrentUser(success, failure);
//Attach UXCam user URL to other services
Future<String> urlForCurrentUser();
String userUrl = await FlutterUxcam.urlForCurrentUser();
UXCam Session URLs
This returns a URL path that shows the current session when it completes. This can be used for tying in the current session with other analytics systems
urlForCurrentSession() -> String
String urlForCurrentSession();
string UXCam.UrlForCurrentSession;
Promise RNUxcam.urlForCurrentSession();
const sessionURL = await RNUxcam.urlForCurrentSession();
UXCam.urlForCurrentSession(success, failure);
//Attach UXCam session URL to other services
Future<String> urlForCurrentSession();
String sessionUrl = await FlutterUxcam.urlForCurrentSession();
Integrating with UXCam
Use UXCam events API to integrate other analytics metadata to UXCam. You can view your events directly within session replay or filter them for specific events.
UXCam.logEvent("3rd-party-service-name", withProperties: ["key" : "value"])
final Map<String, String> metaData = new HashMap<String, String>();
metaData.put("key", "value");
UXCam.logEvent("3rd-party-service-name", metaData);
var properties = new NSDictionary("key1", "value1", "key2", "value2");
UXCam.LogEvent("3rd-party-service-name", NSObject.FromObject(properties));
RNUxcam.logEvent("3rd-party-service-name", {key: "value"})
UXCam.logEventWithProperties("3rd-party-service-name", {key: "value"});
FlutterUxcam.logEventWithProperties("3rd-party-service-name", {"key": "value"});
Tips and best practices
Always use completion handler when starting UXCam
UXCam needs to be verified successfully to get user and session URLs. Always start UXCam with a completion handler, callback or verification listener when integrating with 3rd party libraries.
Check URL before integrating
Offline session recording will not have URLs. While this is optional, it is always best to check for an empty session URL.
Updated 4 months ago